Thursday, July 17, 2008

WTF??? last night we got home from Cottage Inn Pizza (which I must say is really good!) and the girls go upstairs to find that Martin (our puppy) has pooped in their room....they run down to tell us and since Graci loves to clean up dog poop ( so seriously, that child is more then willing to grab some paper towel and clean it up...but of course show you first), I sent her upstairs to clean it up...well I am in the bedroom changing my clothes (to go to my massage...will post on that in a moment), I hear, "Thud, Thud, Thud".....WTF? THEN I hear Bobby saying some random swear words at a rather high volume.....Apparently, Emma decided to launch our poor puppy down the stairs....yes people, from the top! Poor thing got right up and was fine (hopefully no internal bleeding). But you can bet your sweet a** that Emma wasnt fine! Her little butt went to bed and it was only 7 pm....oh and that was after the spankin she got! I could not believe that she would think that was ok!!!!!! What in the world was she thinking? Not long after that, Graci tots over to me to show me Martin's poop in the paper towel....god bless her!

How does one handle that I have a "Child of Rage" (has anyone seen that disturbing movie?) on my hands....


Nicole said...

OMG she threw him down the stairs? LOL! Crazy girl!

Leslie Collins said...

Oh my gosh, Carrie. That poor puppy. I have no advice since I am dealing with a crazy one myself and I haven't a clue either. :)

goofy2lisa said...
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goofy2lisa said...

IT hit the fan! "Good" stuff always happens at your house.
Our poor old dog poops outside. On the other hand Ben took the hamster out of the cage and now (2 days later) she is loose somewhere in the basement.