Monday, July 14, 2008

This weekend

This weekend, Bobby and I went to a wedding for my friend, Lauren's, sister, Liza (you get all that?)....It was fun! There were a few people there that I hadn't seen in awhile. The wedding was very unique...the Bridesmaids all had like a feathery bouquet instead of actual was all feathers (very pretty I might add)....BUT it was outside and let me tell you...I had sweat dripping down my back...yuck! Here is a pic of Me, Lauren, Ginny and Mia:
Oh yeah....and this would be me, lauren & Mia.....yo yo homes!

1 comment:

goofy2lisa said...

Carrie your hair is adorable, and you look great. It's been a while since I've seen you, but it's nice to catch up on blogs.