Wednesday, November 18, 2009

High School Tag (from Nic's Page)

High School Tag
1. Did you date someone from your school? Yes. I think I only had two serious boyfriends in High School...well from my school.

2. What kind of car did you drive? was invisible

3. What was the most embarrassing moment of HS? PROBABLY when I was friends with these 2 girls and they were super a-holes to me all the time and they told these 2 girls (whom were what we will call "scary") that I said all this stuff about them, which I never would have done because I just wasnt like that....well long story short...the 2 girls who were "scary" about killed me in the hallway until the hall aid saved my precious funny now, but it was scary that day!

4. Were you a party animal? I would say that I was somewhat....I never got into trouble or anything but I could throw a mean party lol

5. Were you considered a flirt? Yes I would say so...a lot of gals didnt like me because I was friends with their boyfriends....but I had a lot of guy friends and I meant no harm!

6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? I played the flute for 2.2 seconds...oh maybe that wasnt in high school...that may have been in junior high

7. Were you a nerd? least I dont think so

8. Were you on any varsity teams? uhhhh that would be a negative

9. Did you get suspended/expelled? No....but I did get detantion once I think

10. Can you still sing the fight song? Nahhh....well I remember it now only cause Nicole had it on her blog...but before that I had no clue

11. Who were your favorite teachers? Mr. Guilfoil was AWESOME! Mr. Seal was AWESOME! uuhhhhh Mr Ackley has super sweaty pits...LMAO!

12. Where did you sit during lunch? In the cafeteria with Nicole, Lauren, Christina, Jyss, Tabitha, Maria and Missy...I think thats about right

13. School mascot? Mountie....I know...scary huh?

14. Did you go to homecoming, and with who? Yes I did....I dont think I necessarily had a date though that I can recall.

15. If you could go back and do it again, would you? Yeah but I would do things a whole lot differently

16. What do you remember most about graduation? That me and my bestie were fighting (well she was pissed as me for something that I had nothing to do with) and I have no pictures of the 2 of us together...sniff sniff.

17. Where did you go senior skip day? Went to Cedar Point with a ton of people

18. Were you in any clubs? Nope

19. Have you gained some weight since then? Uh huh

20. Who was your prom date? Welll....Junior Prom I went with Ben Barrett....then I went to another Junior Prom with a friend from East Lansing to his school, then I went to Senior Prom with Nate Williams

21. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? Yep I sure should be fun...although most of the males from our class havent changed much lol

22. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself? Gosh...Propbably to not let other peoples opinions matter so much....people in high school always believe what they hear without varifying with the source! Oh and dont be such a pansy when big tough scary girls wanna beat yo ass! LMAO

1 comment:

Leslie Collins said...

ummmm...yes, you were a HUGE flirt with my ever so cool boyfriend, Joe!!!! hahahhaha...gotta love high school, right?! NOT.