Monday, September 28, 2009

Just an update on my life...

So its been nice being off work....Its already been almost 2 weeks since my little Mollie girls was has gone so fast. She is doing great! She is eating 2.5 oz every 3 hours and is still sleeping most of the day. She is such a joy...really she is!

The girls are doing better adjusting to the new baby....Graci really was never an issue but Emma was and she still has her moments but overall, she is doing much better....Thank God!

Nicole did Mollie's pics last week and she did such a good always! I cant wait to see the rest of the pics! I am hoping to have her do our family pics for Xmas but it really all depends on if we can afford it as I will be just getting back to work and having to pay more for we will see!

Tomorrow, Mollie and I are going to Kristyn's house to hang out for a few hours...she is making us Beach Bar Tomato Soup...its sooooooo good, I cant wait!

Well I guess thats all in my life right now....nothing real new to report.