Monday, September 21, 2009

Back to Business

So I will be using this blog again to document mi vida loca! I did make a link on the side to my pregnancy with Mollie though.

So things have been very crazy since we brought Mollie home....I thought that bringing home a new baby to a 4 & 6 year old would be a lot easier then when I brough Graci home to a 2 year old Emma.....well BOY was I wrong! The girls have been wearing on my last nerve....I had to call my Neurologist today and make an appt to go back in and get back on my Wellbutrin, lol...seriously!

So when we brought Mollie home...Emma was great for the first..ohhh...hour! She cleaned all the rooms in the house and was all "Yes momma, yes daddy"...and Graci was just amazed by the baby. Well after the great hour we had....things immediately turned sour, lol! Emma started acting up, doing everything in her power for attention....Graci was running around like a chicken with her head cut off.

And here we 5 and they are STILL acting crazy! It's mean to say, but I was so thankful that Emma had school and Graci went to daycare today....seriously...I needed a break! I had such a nice and peaceful day with Mollie!

I think we are getting into the groove of things a little bit...the baby is the easy part...we just need to find a happy medium with the girls. Emma needs a lot of reassurance that she is loved and we are working on ways to show her that....Graci just needs to hold the baby a couple times a day and then she is alright, lol. I thought for sure that Graci would be my hard child....but it turns out that its actually Emma.

Lets just pray that things get easier...which I am sure they will in time!

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