Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Babies, Babies, Babies

So the babies have started coming...I still am waiting for a few more to arrive....but so far we have the following: Coming in 1st Place, Born on April 23, 2008, we have Carter Matthew Cole (my nephew by marriage and cousin by blood)....weighing in at a meer 5 lbs 13 oz

Coming in 2nd, born on April 24, 2008, we have Ayva Joan Vogel (My friend Sharee's little peanut), weighing in at a heafty 7 lbs 14 oz
And in 3rd, Born on April 28th, 2008, we have Ellie Margaret Craddock (My mom's friend, Carolyn's little girlie)...weighing in at 6 lbs 13 oz.....

Now I am just waiting on Hudson Barczak, Carter Murphy & McKinley Altenberger....I cant wait!


Nicole said...

Is Carter Cole Bobby's brother's baby? The one who didn't know she was pregnant for like 6 months LOL!? He's a cutie! They all are so cute!

We're next... I hope LOL!

Carrie Cole said...

Yeah that is Bobby's brothers baby (my cousin Kimmie's as well)....and yeah she was the one who didnt know she was prego! And yeah they really are all pretty cute! Cant wait for little Hudson!